Thermostat seal 3S-9643 for engine Caterpillar 3412
Price not available
Condition: New
Type: Genuine
Ref. No.: 3S-9643
Nr. mag.: 45913
Uszczelniacz termostatu is New, Genuine part part with reference p/n: 3S-9643, for diesel engine Caterpillar 3412. In the category to which this product belongs, you can find various gaskets as well as complete sets. Caterpillar 3412 internal combustion engines were installed in large construction machines and aggregates. By using Caterpillar equipment, you increase the level of efficiency and safety.
Caterpillar 3412STA3, Caterpillar 3412T2, Caterpillar 3412TTA1, Caterpillar 73D, Caterpillar 773Bâ¢, Caterpillar 775B, Caterpillar 775E, Caterpillar 990, Caterpillar 992D, Caterpillar D10N, Caterpillar D10R-AKT, Caterpillar PR750B, Wirtgen W2200
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
3412, 3412 E DITTA, 3412DITA, 3412DITA3, 3412E, 3412E DITTA, 3412E HEUI, 3412EHUEI, 3412ETA, 3412T, 3412TA, 3412TT, Cat 3412E
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.