Water pump shaft 135-4928 for engine Caterpillar 3304
Price not available
Condition: New
Type: Genuine
Ref. No.: 135-4928
Nr. mag.: 45350
Waďż˝ pompy wody is New, Genuine part part with reference p/n: 135-4928, for diesel engine Caterpillar 3304. The frequent cause of failure of internal combustion engines are damage caused by overheating of the engine, which is why it is so important to have efficient components of this system. Caterpillar 3304 engines had numerous hardware modifications. The name of the company is based on most used part in construction equipment - Caterpillar.
Caterpillar 120G-87V, Caterpillar 215B SA, Caterpillar 219D, Caterpillar 318CL, Caterpillar 325CL, Caterpillar 515, Caterpillar 525, Caterpillar 936 Landfill, Caterpillar 941B, Caterpillar 951C, Caterpillar CB534, Caterpillar CS653, Caterpillar D4HLGP-9GJ, Caterpillar D5H LGP Series II, Caterpillar D5HXL
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
3304, 3304NA, 3304T, Cat 3304 DIT Diesel
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.