Water pump shaft 135-4928 for engine Caterpillar 3456
Price not available
Condition: New
Type: Genuine
Ref. No.: 135-4928
Nr. mag.: 45350
Waďż˝ pompy wody is New, Genuine part part with reference p/n: 135-4928, for diesel engine Caterpillar 3456. In the category for this product you will find water pumps, thermostats, repair kits. Caterpillar has its factories all over the world, also in Poland.
Caterpillar 375LME, Caterpillar 385B, Caterpillar 834G, Caterpillar 836G, Caterpillar 988G, Caterpillar 988G, Wirtgen W2100
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
3456ATAAC, 3456E, 3456EUI, 3456HEUI, Cat 3456 Diesel, Cat 3456 EUI, Caterpillar 3456 ATAAC
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.