Zestaw O-ringów 224-5797 for engine Caterpillar C12
Condition: New
Type: Genuine
Ref. No.: 224-5797
Nr. mag.: 43813
Zestaw o-ring�w pompowtryska is New, Genuine part part with reference p/n: 224-5797, for diesel engine Caterpillar C12. In the category to which this product belongs, you can find various gaskets as well as complete sets. Caterpillar C12 internal combustion engines were installed in construction machinery as well as in trucks. The name of the company is based on most used part in construction equipment - Caterpillar.
Freightliner FLD120, LOR*AL 6400 Chassis
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.