Shaft seal 2418F704 for engine Caterpillar C6.6
Condition: New
Type: Aftermarket
Ref. No.: 2418F704
Nr. mag.: 22250
Shaft seal is New, Aftermarket part part with reference p/n: 2418F704, for diesel engine Caterpillar C6.6. In the category to which this product belongs, you can find various gaskets as well as complete sets. Caterpillar C6.6 combustion engines follow the proven Caterpillar 3056 design. Over 90,000 people work for the image of the Caterpillar brand around the world employees.
Caterpillar 320E L, Caterpillar 924H, Caterpillar 930H, Caterpillar AP655D, Caterpillar D6N LGP, Caterpillar D6k2, Caterpillar M318D MH, Caterpillar PL61, Challenger MT535B 2WD, Challenger MT545B MFWD, Challenger MT565B 2WD, Challenger MT575B MFWD, Claas Lexion 520, Link-Belt RTC-80160 SERIES II, Link-Belt RTC8075
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
C 6.6, C-6.6 ACERT, C6.6, C6.6 ACERT, Cat C6.6 ACERT, Cat C6.6 with ACERT, Cat C6.6 with ACERT Technology
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.