Thermostat seal 3S-9643 for engine Caterpillar 3304
Price not available
Condition: New
Type: Genuine
Ref. No.: 3S-9643
Nr. mag.: 45913
Uszczelniacz termostatu is New, Genuine part part with reference p/n: 3S-9643, for diesel engine Caterpillar 3304. In the category to which this product belongs, you can find various gaskets as well as complete sets. Caterpillar 3304 engines are based on a block design with wet bushings. Caterpillar's product line includes one of the largest open pit mining trucks in the world, the Caterpillar 797B.
Caterpillar 120G, Caterpillar 215, Caterpillar 215D, Caterpillar 225D, Caterpillar 322CL, Caterpillar 3304T, Caterpillar 518 Grapple, Caterpillar 930R, Caterpillar 936E, Caterpillar 950E, Caterpillar 963, Caterpillar CP653, Caterpillar D4E LGP, Caterpillar D5H, Caterpillar D5H TSK Series II
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
3304, 3304NA, 3304T, Cat 3304 DIT Diesel
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.